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Mobile apps (iPhone / iPad / Android)

Home»Products and Services»Mobile apps (iPhone / iPad / Android)

Mobile Apps

Tetra Group masters the technology of mobile applications and provides remote access to systems virtually on any mobile phone, from the simplest to the most complex smartphones. You can have access to reports, charts, receive alerts by SMS or email, create an entire website on mobile, among other functions.


logo-androidGoogle developed Android, and Google’s own applications work better on it. And with millions of apps, games, music and videos on Google Play, Android is great to have fun and work well.

allcheck Barcode and QR code reader used to identify any code system.
Integrated into project AVISE-ME (
Play Store

camputPartyDigital guide to accompany the Campus Party 2012 sponsored by TelefĂŽnica|Vivo
Play Store

maquinaDeveloped by application Maquina Group, with the purpose of having a quick and easy access to IDM (Ă­ndice de desempenho na mĂ­dia), created by NPCE (NĂșcleo de Produção e ConteĂșdo Editorial)
See the Play Store

iPhone / iPad (iOS)


The operating system for advanced mobile devices in the world.
With an easy to use interface, amazing features and enhanced security, is the foundation of iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. It was developed to have a beautiful look and work perfectly, so even the simplest tasks become more attractive.